Govt Free Student Support Programme 2021 Download Application Form
Government of Pakistan Support Programme 2021 Download Application Form |
Government of Pakistan Support Programme 2021 Download Application Form
Project Name:
- Sweet Home
Other Projects:
- Darul Ehsas
- Individual Financial Assistance
- Child Support Programme
- Great Home
- Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour
- Women Empowerment Center
Who can apply:
All Pakistani can apply
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Balochistan
- 4 to 6 Years & 6 to 40 years
How to Apply Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal for financial Support?
- All eligible child whose are really needy for that support download application form below given link and fill application form honestly and send to Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal address
- Address: St 7, H-8/4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Through Individual Financial Assistance (IFA) the poor, widows, destitute women, orphans and disabled persons are supported through general assistance, education, medical treatment and rehabilitation.
- Fulfilment of immediate need of the poor.
- Medical treatment of major ailments and disabilities of the poor patients
- Economic empowerment through rehabilitation.
- Education stipends to deserving and brilliant poor students of educational and technical institutions in the Public Sector.
Enrolment Criteria
Assistance is provided to the needy individuals on first come first basis having no support or source of income in following order of priority:-
- All poor suffering misery and unable to overcome circumstances within available resources.
- The victims of sudden fall in economic status due to unpredictable circumstances.
- A person suffering with severe physical or mental disability and unable to earn a livlihood.
- A derserving woman who is a widow or divorced or separted with liability to raise her children with no source or regular source of income.
- An invalid or infirm person secluted from family or depirived of relatives and having no source of income.
- Monthly income not more than Rs.17,500/-
- The Govt. servants (Including those on contract and their family members or not illigible to apply for IFA. Employees serving in public sector, organizations, corporations, autonomous bodies are also not eligible to apply.
- The applicant should not be beneficiary of similar subsistance from any other govt. organization.
Salient Features
Any individual can apply for general finance assistance once a year only. Any of the two services i.e. (i) Medical treatment (ii) General financial assistance (iii) Education stipend (iv) Individual rehabilitation may be granted simultaneously within a period of one year to the same applicant. However, general financial assistance and rehabilitation cannot be combined. For IFA (General) preference will be given to widows, infirm and disabled every year. Other categories of individuals would be catered only twice in the entire life. Preference would be given to accommodate them in other dispensations i-e IFA (Medical), IFA (Education), IFA (Rehabilitation) as per requirement.
An application containing residential address, signature or thumb impresion of the applicant alongwith valid CNIC of applicant and patients (B-Form if applicant less than 18 years).
Estimate on PBM proforma from any govt. hospital duly verified by M/S / ED..
Photocopies of medical reports.
- Application containing residential address, signature or thumb impresion of the applicant alongwith valid CNIC of applicant / student (B-Form if applicant less than 18 years).
- Bonafide certificate on PBM proforma from concerned govt institutions signed by Head of the Institution..
- Testimonial (copy of cetificates)
- Affidavit (filled by parents)
- Fee slip/ Fee structure of the concerned institution.
In the history of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, first time a family that consists of 02 or more disabled person has been given status of Special Friend of PBM. Which mean, Pakisan Bait-ul-Mal, provides financial assistance to these special friends amounting to Rs.10,000/- to a family having one special person and Rs. 25000 to a family having two or more speical persons.
- Wheel Chair
- White Cane
- Hearing Aid
- Artificial Limb .
- Artificial legs
- Application alongwith copy of valid CNIC.
- Photograph (indicating disability).
- Disability certificate.
- In case Hearing aid / Artificial limbs/ Legs estimate from Govt. Hospital duly verified by M/S / ED
Pakistan has very rich tradition of providing care to Orphans and children without parental support. Since signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, Pakistan has taken various initiatives for fulfilling its obligations. PBM Act-1991 (as amended) Clause 4 (d) speaks that the money in the Bait-ul-Mal shall be utilized to provide residential accommodation and necessary facilities to the persons specified in clause-4(a) i.e. destitute and needy widows and orphans etc. throughout the country, having accommodation of 100 Orphan Children (4-6 Years of ages) in each.
Resident Children are being provided the following facilities:-
- Free furnished accommodation in a family unit.
- Free nutritious balanced diet as per weekly menu (breakfast/lunch/dinner).
- Free Education in best schools of the city, upto Matric and above
- Free Uniform, books and stationary etc
- Free Summer/Winter clothing alongwith shoes.
- Medical care through government hospitals
- Skill development.
- Free laundry service.
- Prayer Room/ Religious education.
- Counseling/Legal Aid for victims of violence and abuse.
Enrolment Criteria
Orphans between 4 to 6 years of age, fulfilling criteria for target group, shall be enrolled preferably on the recommendations of Public Representatives/ Parliamentarians/ Government Functionaries/ Notable Social Workers/ Civil Societies as well as PBM Functionaries. They will be allowed to stay until completion of their education/ skill/ adulthood.
Enrolment Procedure
The guardian of an Orphan between 4 to 6 years of age, shall apply for enrolment in Darul Ehsas (Orphanage) on prescribed application form , available at PBM Offices along-with copy of requisite documents. Applications complete in all respects can be submitted to PBM District Officer, in the district concerned, who will investigate and determine the status of the applicant and forward to Provincial / Regional Office, along with his recommendations. The Incharge (Darul Ehsas) is responsible to keep full track record of the children such as pre-admission biography, listing all the details of the origin and background of the Orphans. This information is of great value for making decision about the children needs and also to give the child a realistic picture of his or heir past, as they grow up.
International Labour Organization (ILO) through its International Program for Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) conducted a survey in 1996, which indicated 3.3(m) children between the ages of 5-14 years who were engaged in hazardous child labour in Pakistan. Child labour is another issue where state intervention has become necessary in the context of the rights of the child. The National Policy and Plan of Action on Child Labour focus on the immediate elimination of worst and most hazardous forms of child labour. Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour have been established countrywide since 1995. Children between the age of 5-14 years are weaned away from hazardous labour and enrolled in these centres where they are provided free education, clothing, footwear and stipend as well as subsistence allowance to their parents. Present strength of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour centres is 159 (Punjab - 73, Sindh - 37, Khyber Pakhtunkwa + FATA - 24, Balochistan - 14, ICT/AJK & N.A - 11). At present 17,871 students (Male & Female separately) are benefiting from primary education in these centers.
- Wean away children from the hazardous child labour environment
- Impart primary education to them in the conducive classroom environment
- Afford opportunities for secondary and higher education to bring them into the mainstream of social milieu
Enrolment Criteria
- Existence of hazardous industry / bonded labour in the following categories:-
- Brick-kiln, Carpet, Mining, Tannery, Construction, Glass Bangle, Domestic Work, Begging, Agriculture
- Availability of 120 Children up to the age of 8 - 14
- Availability of Child labour for five years
- Recommendation of Prov. / Reg. Labour Department and Ministry of Labour, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis guidelines
Salient Features
- Standard students strength of a centre is 120.
- Daily stipend @ Rs.10/- on attendance basis is paid to each student through the parents accounts
- Parents receive subsistence allowance @ Rs.300/- per month as wage compensation
- Primary level syllabus is taught in 4 years through informal education head of his educational institute
- Summer vacations and local holidays are not observed
- 19574 have passed out and 11858 have been admitted in Government schools for higher education
- Rs.4100 per annum are spent by PBM for further education of the passed out students i.e. Rs.1200/- per annum as education stipend, Rs.500/- for purchase of books & stationery and subsistence allowance for the parents @ Rs.2400/-
- Presently 19888 trainees are benefiting from training in these schools, whereas 190222 trainees have been passed out.
In Pakistan, most of the poor families, especially those living in the poverty-ridden belts, are unable to access basic social services. Cash support programme linked with investment in human capital proved to be an effective way of breaking the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty and for provision of early formal education. Hence, in 2005 Government of Pakistan, assuring its commitment to achieving the goal of Universalization of Primary Education under Millennium Development Goals, approved first Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programme of the country i.e., Child Support Program (CSP). PBM stands predominant, first-ever welfare organization to instigate the CSP complementing with National Social Protection Strategy. The intervention, designed with technical collaboration of the World Bank, aimed to provide a continuum of community-based services for children and families.
PBM mobilizes funds from the Government of Pakistan (GoP) and distributes them as a cash subsidy to eligible beneficiaries for sending their children aged between 5-16 year to school to get primary education. The additional cash incentive is being paid to the eligible beneficiaries @ Rs. 300/- per month to the families with one child and Rs. 600/- per month to the families with two or more than two children. The programme comprises of four interlinked processes i.e. Targeting (BISP Score Card), enrolment, compliance and payments. All the processes are automated through the Management Information System (MIS). Further enhancement and improvement are being incorporated through practices and learning.
- Our vision is “The provision of education at the doorstep of every poor child of Pakistan”
- Our mission is “Respectable social life for the poor by increasing their literacy level through allured monetary benefits.”
- To increase the enrolment rate in primary education towards the achievement of Universal Primary Education
- To increase attendance level
- To reduce dropout ratio
- To provide additional resources to larger and poor families
- To promote investment in human capital in order to reduce poverty
- BISP/FSP beneficiary
- Having school going children aged between 5-14 years
- Below PMT cut off point (indicating minimum poverty level)
Gallup Pakistan evaluation (2010) exhibits that CSP pilot led to 11.65% increase in enrolments of pilot districts i.e., Bhakkar, Tharparkar and Kohistan.
The School program increased the enrolments of both males and females, but the impact on females’ enrolments was larger in magnitude i.e. 13.74%in female Students & 9.06% in Male Students
Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Download Application Form
Criteria/How to apply | Download Form (PDF) | Download Form (JPG) | |
Disable Person/Special Friends
Pakistan Thalasemia Centre
Pakistan Sweet Home
Hepatitis C Patients
Surgical Patients
Artificial Limbs
Cancer Patients
Heart Patients
Hearing Aids
General Medicine
Detail of Estimates
Education Assistance
Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Sweet Home Download Application Form
Government of Pakistan Support Programme 2021 Download Application Form
from ShakirJobs.Com - Jobs in Pakistan
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